Cruise In Rules & Guidelines:
Main Street will begin closing at 5pm from Italy Street to Praley Street
Parking Instructions:
- Vehicles parking on the East side of the stage will need to enter at the Italy & Main Street intersection. Those parked between Italy & Rodoret Street will need to exit the event no earlier than 10pm by following the route along Main Street heading East.
- Vehicles parking on the West side of the stage will need to enter at the Praley & Main Street intersection. Those parked between Praley & Faet Street will need to exit the event no earlier than 10pm by following the route along Faet Street. Vehicles parked in the block between Faet Street and the area near Wells Fargo, will need to exit no earlier than 10pm through the Wells Fargo parking lot.
All vehicles must park on an angle as directed facing East!
All vehicles will be parked in order of arrival. There are NO reserved spaces!
Private parking areas are not regulated by the Town of Valdese or REACT volunteers, it is the responsibility of the private property owner to regulate parking on their property.
No vehicles are permitted to park prior to 5pm, at the time when Main Street closes
All vehicles must remain parked in their original parking space until 10pm unless otherwise directed by Town Staff or REACT volunteers.
Attendees are expected to comply parking assistance provided by REACT volunteers and Town of Valdese employees and requirements of the Town of Valdese event.
The Town of Valdese reserves the right to refuse event entry for to any event attendee. Please follow the map on the reverse of this card to guide you to and from the event area.